Robotics Prostate Surgery
Benefits of a Robotic Prostate Surgery
Robotics Prostate Surgery is a surgical treatment to remove the whole prostate gland which has a presence of prostate cancer in it. With modern technology, the process of radical prostatectomy can now be done with laparoscopic and robotic techniques. It is a highly sophisticated surgery that can only be performed by specialized individuals.
Now, you don’t have to worry to find the best place to get prostate cancer treated because now you have Dr. Kunal Atrekar who is the best prostate cancer surgeon in Ahmedabad. Dr. Kunal has been treating patients with proper safety and guidance for many years. His specialization in urology attracts patients from Gujarat, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, etc. His hospital is a multi-specialty hospital with advanced technology and an experienced team in Ahmedabad. If you are suffering from prostate cancer, visit Dr Kunal Atrekar for Robotic Prostate Surgery Ahmedabad.
How is Robotic Prostate Surgery performed?
A person who undergoes a robotics prostate surgery has to be mentally prepared for the surgery as it is a superficial and highly sophisticated surgery. It is performed by a specialist where the surgeon inserts a light viewing instrument known as a laparoscope inside the pelvic region of the body part and is then examined thoroughly to understand the severity. After that, the prostate is removed without a large abdominal incision. It is an energy-free prostatectomy treatment that preserves erections after the prostate surgery is performed. Real-time ultrasound navigation surgery gives an accurate treatment of prostate cancer.
Benefits of a Robotics Prostate Surgery
There are a few benefits of getting a robotics prostate surgery done rather than the traditional open surgery. Those benefits are-
1. Robotic prostate surgery results in low blood loss as compared to traditional prostate surgery.
2. It has a faster recovery rate, the catheter is placed inside the bladder for some time for better recovery.
3. The surgery results in less pain and discomfort.
4. It takes less time to be performed compared to an open, traditional prostate surgery
Things to keep in mind after Robotic Prostate Surgery
It typically takes 2 to 4 hours to operate a robotic prostate surgery and proper rest is needed after the surgery. However, here are some after-effects of the surgery-
- It typically takes 2 to 4 hours to operate a robotic prostate surgery and proper rest is needed after the surgery. However, here are some after-effects of the surgery-
- You are not allowed to drive for 7 to 10 days after the surgery.
- The catheter is removed depending on the recovery state.
- Take care of the detailed instructions given by the surgeon after the surgery is performed.
- Physical activities that can be tolerated shall be performed after a few days of your surgery.